Preparing For Surgery
You have met with your surgeon, completed the necessary preoperative imaging and even taken care of the paperwork for your hospital stay. However, you still have some tasks to perform before your procedure:
- Ease your mind. Anxiety is common before surgery, but nervousness shouldn't stand in the way of preparing for a procedure that might improve your quality of life. To calm your butterflies, think about what you do to manage other stressful situations in life and incorporate those actions into your preparation for surgery. Listen to your favorite album or break out the yoga mat.
- Follow advice. Carefully review the packet of information your surgeon gave you and follow the instructions exactly. Follow any instructions listed about when to stop eating or drinking before surgery. In addition, adhere to any preoperative instructions about bathing or shaving the surgical area.
- Get moving. Performing preoperative exercises can smooth recovery from certain surgeries. Check with your doctor first to ensure the activity is approved. If so, the Cleveland Clinic recommends trying to walk 5,000 to 10,000 steps per day to up your stamina.
- Pack a bag. Include comfortable clothes, toiletries, books or magazines, and a list of the medications you take. Experts generally advise not wearing makeup the day of the procedure, including nail polish. Sometimes, a pulse doesn't work well when you wear fingernail polish.
- Prepare for your return. Arrange your home furnishings to accommodate assistive walking devices and minimize falls. Ask family and friends to help you with chores and errands after surgery.
- Watch what you eat. Proper nutrition can help you recover your strength after surgery. Your surgeon might ask you to follow a special preoperative diet, including anti-inflammatory foods like green leafy vegetables, nuts and fruit.
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